Litter Free Coast & Sea Somerset Delivery & Expansion Project
Litter Free Coast & Sea Somerset Delivery & Expansion Project
Our flagship project, Litter Free Coast and Sea Somerset, has definitely been one of our 2020 success stories! With an award of additional funding, the team have been working hard to continue to engage communities in campaigns and activities designed to reduce marine and beach litter and protect bathing water quality in Somerset. Of course, Covid-19 had an impact on our ability to deliver this –the team adapted to online working, keeping our communities engaged and delivering new campaigns throughout the year, including featuring on This Morning in February! SEP would like to thank Emily Wordley and Tanya Cox for their amazing contribution to the project. Tanya had been with us since 2017 and has now go on to a new position with Flora and Fauna International – huge thanks to Tanya for all of her work on the LFCSS project during her time with us! We are also incredibly grateful to Emily, who joined us just weeks before the lockdown restrictions were implemented in 2020 and despite the challenges of getting to know a new team, and community stakeholders in a completely virtual format, Emily continued the fantastic activities of the LFCSS project, including curating our wonderful celebratory SEP film! Emily has now gone on to further her academic studies, and we would like to take this opportunity to wish her well!