What a Bore!
What a Bore!
Written by Dr Rhoda Ballinger, SEP Chair
I witness a private viewing of our famous Severn Bore at Lower Parting where the Severn splits into two! This month, my article not only shares my experiences from my eventful day, but it also includes some of Stuart Ballard’s memories from his many years of surfing the Tide.

The bore arriving at Lower Parting, Alney Island
Since discovering Alney Island on my walk at Gloucester in the autumn, I’d been keen to come back to explore this hidden gem further. Within just a few minutes’ walk from Gloucester Docks, you’re not only stepping onto one of Britain’s largest river islands but you’re also walking into a highly prized nature reserve which includes wet woodlands, marsh and pond habitats. I decided that Lower Parting, at the southern end of the island, would be a perfect place to view the bore. Inspired by the Welsh medieval monk Nennius’ text [The Wonders of Britain], the first written documentation of this natural phenomen, I was convinced that centuries of Severn folk, going as far back as the medieval monks of Gloucester, must have witnessed the bore from this very special vantage point, where the river splits into two.
An extract from Nennius’ medieval text, well over 1200 years old!
Dau Ri Hafren – The Two Kings of the Severn ‘Two heaped-up wave crests .. Fight each other like rams. One goes against the other, and they clash in turn, and then one withdraws from the other, and they go forth again at each tide. This they have done, from the beginning of the world to this present day.’ |
An extract from Nennius’ medieval text, well over 1200 years old!
A 3* bore offering a ‘moderate’ bore ‘typically up to a metre’ and ‘a good spectacle’ on the 3rd March seemed an opportunity not to be missed. I did understand, though, that preceding meteorological and oceanographic conditions as well as the downstream river flows can modify the size and timing of the bore, so one might turn up and see very little. Anyway, with so few other high starred bores predicted this year, it was worth taking a chance. Geoff very kindly agreed to accompany me, as I’d been slightly perturbed by online discussions of previous walkers’ bovine encounters on the island and, after all, he’d introduced me to the Nennius text.
What is a tidal bore? These natural phenomena can form as a rising tide forces water to funnel into shallow, sloping coastal inlets (or estuaries). As a tidal wave enters shallow waters, its wave height increases (due to refraction) and the wave travels inland, effectively reversing the river’s flow, sometimes for many miles inland. Bores peak around Spring tides near the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, when the tidal range is greatest. So, this year on the Severn there are only a handful of sizeable bores, even though the tidal river experiences bores twice a day on about 130 days. The speed and height of a bore are influenced by many factors, including wind speed and direction and the rate of flow of freshwater coming downstream. On the Severn, low pressure and south westerly wind are known to increase the size of the wave. |
Given my slight apprehension about a ‘no’ or ‘poor show’, I contacted Stuart Ballard, now part-time River Learning Engagement Officer with the Severn Rivers Trust, a surfing veteran of the bore and one of the famous Muddy Brothers. I vividly remembered Stuart taking me and the SEP team on a most interesting bore safari years ago, and recollected his enthusiastic presentation about bore surfing at a previous Severn Estuary Forum.
In anticipation
Having carefully negotiated the ‘path’ across the waterlogged meadows to the south of Alney Island, we finally arrived at Lower Parting. An empty wooden bench, perfectly positioned on the crest of the riverbank where the river divides into two channels, invited us to the 10:42 performance. Was this really going to be a private viewing? No need to battle through any crowds with over excited children and barking dogs this time. No cattle either (phew). But, goodness, had I got the right time, or even the right day? It was getting ever closer to the predicted time. Bores can even come earlier than predicted – but had we missed it even though we’d arrived 20 minutes early?
As if with no care in the world, the two arms of the river flowed gracefully past us, then merged without even a ripple before continuing downstream to caress the muddy shores of the tree-lined riverbanks beyond. Such a peaceful, rural idyll, with only the occasional long-tailed tit fluttering past and the gentle, distant warbling call of birds, may be skylarks.
Then, an almost eerie stillness and silence before…

The muddy shores as the tip of Lower Parting

The Severn gently flowing downstream before the Bore
The spectacle
A faint swoosh.
Then, the swooshing became louder and louder.
And next, a small flick of white came into sight on the right bank of the river in the far distance.
Within seconds, it was as if an artist’s brush was outlining the riverbank with thicker and thicker strokes, almost dancing along the riverbank, until a white breaker became discernible. The wave rolled on and on, weaving and scouring its way along the bank, crashing into tree trunks and branches. The mallard ducks, which had been gliding so peacefully along the river, initially seemed unperturbed by the approaching wall of white water until, almost engulfed by the spray, they took flight.

Mallard ducks unperturbed by the approaching bore

Mallard ducks taking flight at pace at the fast approaching tidal wave

The bore progressing along the left bank
The show continued. We were suddenly aware of yet another wave meandering its way a little more nonchalantly along the other, inner left bank. This was just like Nennius had described all those centuries ago, although the rams seemed more at peace today than in his description.
And then, the most impressive spectacle of all. The bore broke on the tip of the muddy shore at Lower Parting just in front of us, creating a delightful spray fountain. There followed an unexpected performance from the secondary waves, the whelps. Looking like a series of folds in a velvet gown as they approached, each of these smooth, sleek waves broke gracefully over the previous one in almost slow motion, each drowning more and more of the steep muddy bank below. Very soon the steep bank had been consumed by the frothing waters and there was only swirling chocolate brown, muddy water in front of us.
I hope the following sequence of photos gives you a reasonable impression of this amazing piece of choreography.

The bore’s display at Lower Parting
The aftermath
The show was over, or was it?
The riverbanks and reeds were submerged but still the tide remained in control, flowing steadily upstream and carrying flotillas of debris with it. Pleasingly, given the amount of litter I’ve seen on previous walks, there was relatively little plastic amongst these floating forests. However, driftwood in many shapes and sizes, from crocodile and alligator to otter lookalikes, surged past. Later, I found the following extract from a poem by Duncan Forbes which describes the scene so well:
Shipping the driftwood back upstream
With smells of estuary and reeds,
It fills the channel like a reen
And still the water levels rise
By now, the river was nearly at ‘bank full stage’ – and the muddy reed beds of the riverbanks were practically submerged. The water had even started to encroach into the woodland along the banks. In the slightly hazy spring sunshine, it was as if I’d entered the world evoked by Debussy’s impressionistic piano piece Reflets dans l’eau (Reflections in the Water). In and amongst the picturesque reflections, the waters were almost dancing – amazing ripples were forming around bubbling ‘cauldrons’ of water: steady streams of air bubbles were being released, presumably remnants from the bore’s previous disturbance?
And still the waters kept rising.
After all, these are flood meadows, flat pastureland that owes its existence to natural fluvial processes. The West Channel which we were walking along was, I understand, formed by a major flood event centuries ago. As we watched the ancient drainage ditches filling up, I remembered the warnings on the information boards nearby – the river continues to rise for well over an hour after the Bore. Time to beat a hasty retreat. Not so easy though. It was getting increasingly difficult to tread across the heavily trampled, pock-marked sea of sticky mud. Then the inevitable – my walking boot became firmly stuck…I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, I’ve still got a broken fingernail from prizing my boot out, but, at least after a 50° wash cycle, my sock has recovered from its mud bath. What could have been a therapeutic, tactile experience of mud walking, became a logistical nightmare, avoiding the many mighty ziggurats of cow dung strewn across the meadow. At least we didn’t encounter the cattle themselves, although I would quite like to have seen (from a distance) some of the traditional Old Gloucester breed whose milk is used to make the famous Single and Double Gloucester cheeses.

Lower Parting immediately after the Bore

A driftwood ‘crocodile’ floating upstream in the now swollen river

Submerged woodland along the river

Bubbling waters on the edges of the submerged woodland

Over Bridge – the elegant stone arches of Telford’s bridge

Haw Bridge

A pair of geese gliding across one of the many pools of the Ashleworth Ham Reserve
Beyond the Bore
I was so relieved to get to the dry, tarmac path that leads you under Over Bridge, from the top of which I later discovered you get a splendid bird’s eye view of the river without having to negotiate either cattle or mud! The bridge, sometimes known as Telford’s Bridge, is quite special. This elegant bridge was the lowest river crossing on the Severn for over a century until the opening of the Severn Bridge in 1966. It’s main claim to fame though is its design – by Thomas Telford of course. It employs a French ‘cornes de vache’ technique; the horn shaped cut outs on the bridge designed to reduce turbulence and increase water flow at times of flood.
After a quick change of socks and shoes, we warmed up with a hearty lunch at a nearby farm shop café. I was, however, still keen to briefly explore the river up to Haw Bridge, the inland limit of our Severn Estuary Shoreline Management Plan and SEP itself. So, we took a rapid detour by car to sample a few sites upstream before heading home. Haw Bridge itself is somewhat unremarkable, a modern 1960s bridge which replaces a former structure demolished by an empty tanker barge heading downstream. No major disasters on our visit today. By now the river had reverted to flowing downstream and seemed well behaved, even demure, certainly not the ‘naughty adolescent’ as described by Chris Witts. However, despite the somewhat idyllic river scene before us, there was plenty of evidence of previous flooding and high tides – sandbanks piled high along the road in front of the pub, and floating pontoons for the canoeists needing to avoid the steep muddy riverbanks.
Returning towards Maisemore, the normal tidal limit of the Severn, we happened to pass by Ashleworth Ham Reserve, a wonderful wetland which serves as an active floodplain during winter. Although only a remnant of a more extensive wetland landscape, it’s an important bird habitat, with Bewick’s swans and white-fronted geese as regular visitors. On even our brief encounter, we caught a glimpse of various geese, coots, mallards and common pochards.
Our final stop – Maisemore and Upper Parting, at the northern end of Alney Island. The weir at Maisemore is notable as it forms a barrier to the upcoming tides. Stuart thinks that you get one of the best views of the bore here and has even seen footage of the rare Twaite Shad doing their spawning dance at this location. He informs me that it’s quite an odd spectacle seeing the bore ‘smashing against the weir’ before a rebound wave tumbles back downstream against the flow of the incoming tide. Several hours after the bore today, however, it was business as usual with the river flowing downstream. So, another future visit perhaps? Today, after a short walk to Upper Parting it really was time to go home!

Upper Parting with the east and west channels of the Severn

Maisemore weir – the normal tidal limit and upstream limit for the bore
Further bore memories – from Stuart’s bore surfing experiences
I’m so delighted to be able to share a few more memories from Stuart. His tidal surfing adventures have taken him across the world, including to the Benak bore in Borneo where he and other surfers were paraded like gladiators in front of a crowd of no less than 50,000. Why? The river was home to real crocodiles, not like the driftwood ones we’d seen on our bore visit!
I asked Stuart what was so special about the Severn Bore. His reply ‘the great connection with the movements of the solar system as the bore is created by interplay of gravitational forces between the Sun and the Moon…we surf on gravity waves…up the river that flows backwards.’ That sense of connection with something much greater was something we’d also felt even though we’d only passively watched the bore fly by. His most special memory? Well, it had to be ‘surfing along near Newnham with a Harbour Porpoise following me in the incoming tide.’ Or may be ‘surfing past John Powell’s salmon putcher rank at Broadoak when a Grey Mullet leapt out of the roaring tide and landed across my feet in the sunset.’ Stuart was also keen to stress that surfing the bore had given him a ‘connection with the wild nature of place and people’ which ‘had been tangible’. This, he enthusiastically explained, ‘includes the heritage and history of folk living along the river, “the long-village”, as one of the Salmon putcher fishermen called it. ‘Getting to know the Elvermen, the cider makers, surfers and the creative communities has been actually heaven!’ he remarked. Hopefully, I’ll get to know meet some of these stars of the Severn in future walks.
Stuart does admit ‘The tide did take over my life.’ He also stresses how you need to ‘understand just how long the rides can be to understand bore surfing’. He’s proud of his longest single ride of 3.3 miles, and that of his friend, Steve King who ‘holds the record for a standing ride of over 10 miles that took over an hour to complete.’
Surfing the Severn certainly does seem quite an experience. Stuart encourages us to ‘imagine catching one wave that lasts for 20+ minutes rather than the mere seconds one would expect from a wave at the beach’ and ‘how your legs would ache after that!’ He explains ‘this wave would then be carrying you for a journey upriver and inland, past churches, villages, cows, fields, cliffs, under bridges and past pubs. All this with and incredible community of local surfers that has become the ‘Bore Riders Club’, and sometimes hundreds of visiting surfers’. He points out that ‘The Springtime tides can be like a great festival’ and he’s even seen ‘people preparing champagne breakfast on the bank in the Spring sunshine surrounded by apple blossom’. Not Glyndebourne, but clearly an important cultural experience for the Lower Severn communities.

Stuart surfing a cold winter Severn Bore near Arlingham – ‘it’s unusual to have the wave to one’s self!’23/1/2007. Credit Neil Law.

What an atmosphere as surfers flock to the big tides to ’tick off’ their bucket list (21/3/2007) Credit Mark Humpage
Final thoughts
Reflecting on my experiences and on Stuart’s stories which reveal both a passion and an intimate understanding of our tidal river, the Bore is truly one of Britain’s natural treasures. I’m not at all surprised that it was a much celebrated ‘ancient wonder of the British Isles’ in medieval times. Even today, and perhaps especially today, there are few places and times when you can feel so much ‘at one’ with nature and the wider solar system. The bore delivers this and more. With large-scale development proposals and shoreline modifications further downstream does it deserve further protection? Indeed, a recent academic study underscores the need for careful planning in tidal energy development within the Estuary (Source), suggesting that a 1.5 m drop in mean water level could result in a 15 km retreat of the bore.
Whilst the Bore is clearly still culturally significant to the river communities of the Lower Severn, beyond that, perhaps it’s considered a mere quirk. It’s the largest bore in the British Isles but how many people from the cities and towns around our estuary are aware of its existence, never mind have come to see it? Perhaps we need another Magnificent Severn Festival like the one Stuart helped organise back in 2009/10 to help raise its profile. Or even perhaps a new name? After all many of the bores Stuart has surfed elsewhere have names, the ‘Mascaret’, on the Dordogne and Garonne, and the fearsome ‘Pororocca’ on the Amazon. There’s even the infamous ‘Silver Dragon’ on the Qiantang River in China, the world’s largest bore which reaches a staggering 9 metre height.
Beyond considerations of just the bore itself, I’m aware of the need to continue to manage the increasing pressures on the river and its associated flood plains both here and further upstream. It’s great to see the work of the Severn Rivers Trust (which Stuart helped establish), which adopts a catchment-based approach, in line with SEP’s vision, as well as the efforts of more local groups, such as the Friends of Alney Island. With future climate change predictions, we certainly will need a resilient river system and such endeavours need our support.
Finally, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article as much as Stuart and I have reflecting on our various experiences. I hope it’s also encouraged you to get out there and watch a bore for real.

A few websites and references
Bore websites:
Boring facts on the Severn Bore
Top Viewing Locations for the Severn Bore
Gloucester Harbour Trustees (2007) Safety Guidance for Surfers, Canoeists, Small Craft and River Bank Users in the Upper Severn Estuary (Source)
The Severn Bore tidal wave – Drone footage and tide timelapse
Surf Simply – Surfing The Severn Bore: The Muddy Brothers and Their Memories
Che, B., Hu, H., Ma, J. and Liang, D., 2024. Hydrodynamic Modelling of Severn Bore and Its Dependence on Ocean Tide and River Discharge. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(12), p.2319.
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