Below, there are a number of maps relating to the estuary, chiefly created as two sets: in 2001 for our Strategy for the Severn Estuary report; and 2011 for our State of the Severn Estuary Report.
Maps of the State of the Severn Estuary Report
- Air quality
- Archaeological sites
- Bathing water quality
- Bird watching locations
- Conservation areas
- Dredging sites
- Hydrology
- Jurisdiction
- Power generation
- Tourism and recreation
- Water quality
Maps of the Severn Estuary Strategy Report
Published in 2001, the first Severn Estuary Strategy report outlined Policy recommendations and Proposals for Action for the Estuary, and along with key stakeholders and partners, produced a Consultation Draft for the Strategy for the Severn Estuary. As a result of this consultation and the co-ordinated efforts of many key partners in dealing with the responses, numerous appropriate changes were incorporated into the current Strategy for the Severn Estuary (2017-2027).
- Coastal defences
- Coastal processes and topography
- Designated conservation areas
- Estuary water quality and statutory monitoring sites
- Fisheries and angling
- Landscape
- Licensed dredging sites
- Major atmospheric discharges and nuclear licensed site discharges regulated by the Environment Agency
- Major developments proposed in development plans
- Major industrial discharges
- Major sewage discharges and planned improvements
- Ports and Harbour Authorities and other features of interest
- Relevant Authorities areas of jurisdiction
- Scheduled Ancient Monuments
- Severn Estuary Infrastructure
- Tourist attractions and recreational areas
Please note that some information contained in these maps may have changed subsequent to production. They are schematic only, and the user must ensure the validity of the information contained therein and that they are appropriate for the purpose of use. Mapping is based upon on OS maps with permission of OS on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright ed275492.

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